Building Ritual // Ritual Building

Stuckeman Family Building

201-, 243 E Park Ave, State College, PA 16803

Caulen Heil & Saige Runyan

The Pennsylvania State University Department of Architecture

ARCH 491 Design Research Studio Experiments in Building

Professor Marcus Shaffer

Fall 2021

Our Ritual: Manifesting a Harmonious Future for Stuckeman


Our intention is to build a new future for the Stuckeman School in alignment with the greatest & highest good of both Humanity & Gaia.

We represent the Stuckeman School. As this is an approved studio project, the Stuckeman School has already consented to this representation. The Oak Tree represents Gaia. We create a written contract which outlines the responsibilities of the Stuckeman School to respect Gaia & promote Her wellbeing. We build a structure out of some parts recycled from a previous studio project & some parts that were purchased with funds from the Stuckeman School. These connections (& others) serve as taglocks that connect the energy of the Stuckeman School into this ritual.

The structure itself represents the future of the institution, a future which is lovingly crafted, built from nature & in harmony with nature. The future is built within sight of the Stuckeman building, so that all those within can see the best path before them. It is small, because it is yet a seed. An acorn that will grow into a strong & beautiful oak tree. The future is a place that contains rest & stillness (meditation) as well as meaningful work (building). It is a place that we can be self-critical, a place that is always consciously evolving itself into something better (analysis). It is a place also for love & partnership.

We are modeling the behavior we are manifesting by revering the oak tree & learning what it has to teach us. By getting the job done without damaging ourselves or nature.


The foundation blocks represent the uncomfortable & difficult work to create new foundations, leaving behind the problematic foundations which have haunted studio culture for decades. The barn-raised sides represent laying the plans for the future & then pulling them up into reality through teamwork & partnership. As we steady the structure with the cross-beams, we are solidifying the structure into something with longevity. We lay down the floor, creating a space for people to inhabit. This is somewhere a person can be elevated, educated. The floor is even, representing equanimity & equal opportunity. We are all on “even footing” here. Lastly, we put up the canvas roof. This is a place of safety, of comfort, & of beauty. It is soft & flexible, adapting to the needs of its environment.


Ground View


Aerial View


Future Iterations

Unified Collective


Capsule Network